First Professional Haircut

This is interesting... Logan is 3 years old and yet, he seems to be having many "firsts" this year!

He had another "first" today. I took the day off work because I had to take Becki to the dentist and to enroll the kids in Cy-Fair for when we move in October. Employees at Cy-Fair couldn't agree on what I was supposed to do first - so I ended up not being able to enroll the kids in school. By the time I found out I couldn't go and enroll the kids, it was too late to head over to work. My mom went out of town for the day so there wouldn't be anyone to meet Becki when she came home - so I decided to just stay home.

Determined not to waste my day off, I ran a few more errands (to free up my weekend) and decided that Logan would finally get his first professional haircut. Ever since he was born, he has been getting haircuts from me. I could be biased but I think I generally do a good job. Sometimes it doesn't turn out too great because Logan gets impatient and moves too much.

Logan was pretty shy when we went into Sports Clips. I ended up going there because it was right next to the bookstore (where I needed to make a stop afterwards), and because the other haircut places had Asian people (no offense, but I don't work well with hearing Asians - they don't understand me and I don't understand them). I wanted Logan to get a good haircut so I figured that Sports Clips would have a better chance of less misunderstandings.

Anyway, there were two men in there already reading manly magazines waiting for their turns. I signed Logan up and went to sit down with my friend, who came along with me on my errands. My friend and I were chatting, not paying too much attention to Logan because he was quietly walking around and looking at sports posters on the wall. A few minutes later, I noticed that it was pretty quiet. If you know Logan, you know this is unusual. I looked around and found him sitting next to my friend. He was sitting and reading a motorcycle magazine. He looked so grown-up (and so fascinated with the pictures), that I decided to take a few shots.

After waiting about 20 minutes, it was his turn to go sit in a chair that was much too big for him. He smiled shyly at the lady who would be cutting his hair and tried his best to climb into that huge chair with a booster pillow in it.
The lady wrapped him in the haircut coat thingie and Logan giggled. He kept smiling at me and looking at himself in the mirror. He was so cute, I had to take another picture....

After the lady got her things ready, she pulled out the electric hair clipper and turned it on. As soon as Logan heard it, he... freaked... out... The lady tried her best to talk to him and explain that it wasn't going to hurt him. She placed the clipper against her hand and my friend offered her arm. Logan wouldn't budge. I had to hold him down while the lady tried to buzz off a little bit of his hair. Logan put up a huge fight. So we decided that the lady would just have to clip them off with scissors.
During the haircut, Logan was a little fidgety so I gave him my phone to play with. In any situation where I want Logan to calm down and be quiet, I just have to give him my phone and it'll occupy him for at least 10 minutes. Thank God for modern technology. Here are photos of him getting his hair cut.

After about 15 minutes of cutting. Logan was all done! Well, not exactly. The lady wanted to use a smaller clipper to trim off the side burn hair and hair along his hairline from his ears to the back of his neck. Logan freaked again. There was another little boy getting his hair buzzed off with a big clipper. Obviously, he's done this before because he was sitting quietly and patiently. The lady spoke to Logan and showed Logan that the little boy is fine and that the clipper isn't hurting him. After a while, she convinced Logan that it was alright to use the little clipper on him.

Now Logan is officially done with his very first professional haircut! Doesn't he look adorable!?


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