First Day of School

 Logan... Loves.... School!!!!

Oh boy.... he was SO looking forward to school! When he came home from visiting his dad for the summer, I told him that he was going to be in school - just like Becki! He was thrilled! Honestly, who remembers being thrilled about going to school? I know I was once - when I was VERY little... Logan isn't going to be too thrilled to go to school in a couple of years!!!

A couple days later, I went shopping for school supplies and got him a brand spankin' new backpack. I brought it home and showed it to him. He insisted on wearing it all night! Here's Logan wearing the backpack while walking the dog....

He kept anticipating school, asking me each night before bed "School?" "No, Logan... not tomorrow." Then I had to watch him make that little frown and pout.

Finally... it was time for school! He woke up immediately, got dressed quickly, ate his cereal and was all ready for school! I guess he thought he was riding with Becki (the school district wouldn't put them in the same school for transportation reasons), so when Becki's bus arrived and she hopped on, he got upset. Poor baby.
Can you imagine thinking that someone was lying to you all this time and that you weren't going to school? I am sure that's what he thought I was doing - lying!
I had to calm him down for the next 20 minutes and explain that YES, he is going to school - he is just riding a different bus and I PROMISE, his bus is coming...

Finally, it was time to go outside to wait for the bus. We played around and I took a couple of photos. As soon as the bus came, he went running out to the doors and hopped right in without looking back. Of course, I had to stop him so that I could take pictures!
My mom said that he looked like a total zombie when he was getting off the bus after school. First day excitement sure wore him out! The next two days after that, Logan refused to get off the bus... he wasn't done with school! The bus driver had to explain that she was coming back to pick him up the next day for another day at school!
School has been in session for two weeks now. Logan has gotten used to the routine and no longer cries when Becki leaves first. He waits patiently for his bus and happily greets the bus driver and the attendant when they arrive.

Childhood is blissful, isn't it?

Here are some photos for you to enjoy...


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