Another the Dentist!!!

The past few weeks (no, months - actually), my daughter has been having problems with one of her teeth way in the back of her mouth. It had become rotten and was causing lots of discomfort and pain. Poor thing!

I took her to the dentist shortly after she was experiencing pain. They told her that she had two rotten teeth (due to not brushing her teeth enough) and they would need to be pulled. They pulled one out, but they didn't do a good enough job of numbing the area so it kind of hurt. After that, my daughter refused to let anybody go near her teeth.

We made a second appointment to go back to fill in some cavities and try again with that rotten tooth. They filled in the few cavities that she had and then told me that they couldn't work on the rotten tooth because the dentist specializing in that area wasn't available. I actually asked them - specializes in what? They said (seriously) "Dealing with tough kids and putting them to sleep if necessary." Wow, huh?

So - we make another appointment and it wasn't for another month. The month finally passed and we went back to the dentist. The tooth was supposed to be pulled, but when the dentist checked Becki over, she decided that she wanted to do a cap. Ugh, another appointment! I don't know if this is normal but wow, I would think that they'd be able to look at my daughter's x-rays and plan ahead. It's annoying having to miss school/work for useless trips to the dentist!!!

Finally, we went back yesterday for the cap. They worked on Becki for an hour but not before giving her a shot. Becki freaked out at the HUGE needle and gave the dentist a hard time but it was done. The shot was administered and the dentist left me alone with my daughter to comfort her. After about 5 minutes of crying, Becki stopped, looked at me with a thoughtful look on her face and said "My teeth is sleeping." I laughed. Sometimes it amazes me how kids can go from one mood to the next in a split second.

After Becki's mouth had been numbed, the dentist went to work at filing away the teeth. After the teeth was grounded into nothing, the dentist started to put the cap in. At this point - I was getting mad. Becki was laying there not feeling a thing for about 10 minutes. The doctor had the cap in, tapped it in with a tiny hammer, took it out, shifted it around and hammered it back in. THEN she did it all over again! At that point, Becki was saying "it hurts a little now." Either the shot was wearing off or the dentist was pretty aggressive.....

Towards the end, my daughter was crying again. Yes, I was annoyed that my daughter was giving the dentist a hard time all these times before but yesterday was different. I was annoyed at the dentist! FINALLY, the cap was securely in. I told Becki that we were all done! Yay! Becki was thrilled - you could have thought it was Christmas morning. The dumb dentist had to ruin it and say "come back in 6 months." Becki was NOT thrilled to hear that.
I went ahead and made the appointment, but I think that in 6 months time, when the appointment is due, I'm going to go to another office. My daughter deserves better than this.

First Professional Haircut

This is interesting... Logan is 3 years old and yet, he seems to be having many "firsts" this year!

He had another "first" today. I took the day off work because I had to take Becki to the dentist and to enroll the kids in Cy-Fair for when we move in October. Employees at Cy-Fair couldn't agree on what I was supposed to do first - so I ended up not being able to enroll the kids in school. By the time I found out I couldn't go and enroll the kids, it was too late to head over to work. My mom went out of town for the day so there wouldn't be anyone to meet Becki when she came home - so I decided to just stay home.

Determined not to waste my day off, I ran a few more errands (to free up my weekend) and decided that Logan would finally get his first professional haircut. Ever since he was born, he has been getting haircuts from me. I could be biased but I think I generally do a good job. Sometimes it doesn't turn out too great because Logan gets impatient and moves too much.

Logan was pretty shy when we went into Sports Clips. I ended up going there because it was right next to the bookstore (where I needed to make a stop afterwards), and because the other haircut places had Asian people (no offense, but I don't work well with hearing Asians - they don't understand me and I don't understand them). I wanted Logan to get a good haircut so I figured that Sports Clips would have a better chance of less misunderstandings.

Anyway, there were two men in there already reading manly magazines waiting for their turns. I signed Logan up and went to sit down with my friend, who came along with me on my errands. My friend and I were chatting, not paying too much attention to Logan because he was quietly walking around and looking at sports posters on the wall. A few minutes later, I noticed that it was pretty quiet. If you know Logan, you know this is unusual. I looked around and found him sitting next to my friend. He was sitting and reading a motorcycle magazine. He looked so grown-up (and so fascinated with the pictures), that I decided to take a few shots.

After waiting about 20 minutes, it was his turn to go sit in a chair that was much too big for him. He smiled shyly at the lady who would be cutting his hair and tried his best to climb into that huge chair with a booster pillow in it.
The lady wrapped him in the haircut coat thingie and Logan giggled. He kept smiling at me and looking at himself in the mirror. He was so cute, I had to take another picture....

After the lady got her things ready, she pulled out the electric hair clipper and turned it on. As soon as Logan heard it, he... freaked... out... The lady tried her best to talk to him and explain that it wasn't going to hurt him. She placed the clipper against her hand and my friend offered her arm. Logan wouldn't budge. I had to hold him down while the lady tried to buzz off a little bit of his hair. Logan put up a huge fight. So we decided that the lady would just have to clip them off with scissors.
During the haircut, Logan was a little fidgety so I gave him my phone to play with. In any situation where I want Logan to calm down and be quiet, I just have to give him my phone and it'll occupy him for at least 10 minutes. Thank God for modern technology. Here are photos of him getting his hair cut.

After about 15 minutes of cutting. Logan was all done! Well, not exactly. The lady wanted to use a smaller clipper to trim off the side burn hair and hair along his hairline from his ears to the back of his neck. Logan freaked again. There was another little boy getting his hair buzzed off with a big clipper. Obviously, he's done this before because he was sitting quietly and patiently. The lady spoke to Logan and showed Logan that the little boy is fine and that the clipper isn't hurting him. After a while, she convinced Logan that it was alright to use the little clipper on him.

Now Logan is officially done with his very first professional haircut! Doesn't he look adorable!?

First Day of School

 Logan... Loves.... School!!!!

Oh boy.... he was SO looking forward to school! When he came home from visiting his dad for the summer, I told him that he was going to be in school - just like Becki! He was thrilled! Honestly, who remembers being thrilled about going to school? I know I was once - when I was VERY little... Logan isn't going to be too thrilled to go to school in a couple of years!!!

A couple days later, I went shopping for school supplies and got him a brand spankin' new backpack. I brought it home and showed it to him. He insisted on wearing it all night! Here's Logan wearing the backpack while walking the dog....

He kept anticipating school, asking me each night before bed "School?" "No, Logan... not tomorrow." Then I had to watch him make that little frown and pout.

Finally... it was time for school! He woke up immediately, got dressed quickly, ate his cereal and was all ready for school! I guess he thought he was riding with Becki (the school district wouldn't put them in the same school for transportation reasons), so when Becki's bus arrived and she hopped on, he got upset. Poor baby.
Can you imagine thinking that someone was lying to you all this time and that you weren't going to school? I am sure that's what he thought I was doing - lying!
I had to calm him down for the next 20 minutes and explain that YES, he is going to school - he is just riding a different bus and I PROMISE, his bus is coming...

Finally, it was time to go outside to wait for the bus. We played around and I took a couple of photos. As soon as the bus came, he went running out to the doors and hopped right in without looking back. Of course, I had to stop him so that I could take pictures!
My mom said that he looked like a total zombie when he was getting off the bus after school. First day excitement sure wore him out! The next two days after that, Logan refused to get off the bus... he wasn't done with school! The bus driver had to explain that she was coming back to pick him up the next day for another day at school!
School has been in session for two weeks now. Logan has gotten used to the routine and no longer cries when Becki leaves first. He waits patiently for his bus and happily greets the bus driver and the attendant when they arrive.

Childhood is blissful, isn't it?

Here are some photos for you to enjoy...

Becki's First Day of 2nd Grade

Unlike Logan, Becki wasn't too thrilled to be going back to school. I can understand how she felt - I felt the same way year after year. I was terrified of the first days of school!!!

Not much of a story to tell here - Becki just woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast then waited for her bus to come. The bus came and she looked at me and said "Bye" and got in. She was nor happy or sad. She was.... "just"

We were in a rush that morning. Her bus called to say that they were coming at 8am. They showed up at 7:30 - I was thankful that at least Becki was ready.... Each morning, we all get up at 7 to start our day. I get the kids up - tell Becki to get dressed and let Logan watch TV. I jump in the shower and am out in 10 minutes. Becki's done getting ready by that time and is eating breakfast. I get myself dressed and then start on Logan.

By the time I finish getting Logan dressed, Becki's bus arrives. I see her off to school and then make Logan his breakfast. While he's eating his breakfast, I take the dog out to pee and poop. When I get back in, I make my coffee and decide which frozen food I will put up with at lunch.

At 8am, we wrap things up and head outside to wait for the bus. As soon as the bus arrives, I get in my car and go to work. Crazy, huh?

My little girl is growing up!