There comes a time when everybody sits back and thinks about what they want to do with their lives and what they want to be remembered for when they're gone. When you're a parent, you start thinking about other people's lives - mostly your children's. Often, I've wondered what my children will grow up to be like, what careers they'll have and how big their families will be (if they have any). Today was no different.

For as long as I can remember, my son likes to bang his head on things - especially on me. He's rough with everything. I guess it's because he's a boy. He loves cars and planes... what little boy doesn't? Playing up to his "big boys don't cry" role, he approached me last night with a bloody leg. He calmly climbed up onto my computer tower, tapped me on the shoulder, showed me his leg and simply signed "hurt." There certainly hasn't been any knives, scissors or anything sharp that he could get into, so when I saw the leg, I was startled. What did he do!? Turns out he scratched away all of his scabs. When he was up in Dallas, he spent a LOT of time outdoors and has lots and lots of bug bites to show for it.

Today, he was my little monkey. He climbed on everything. That's not unusual but today, it was a bit unnerving. Most times, I am his personal jungle jim. If I'm at the computer, he'll climb all over me. If I'm on the couch, he'll climb all over me. If I'm in the kitchen trying to clean or cook, he'll cling to my leg and expect me to drag him all around. Earlier, when I was fussing over a photo editing program, he decided he wanted to play with me. He pushed the trashcan and a bunch of toys out of the way. He dragged the side table over to me. He hoisted my legs up (one at a time) to the side table. At first I thought, "Aww, he's pampering me." Boy, I thought wrong. He was building a playground for himself! For the next 10 minutes, he would climb up on the side table, crawl across my legs, sit on my lap, press my cheeks together (making a fish face), get off then start all over again.
Times like these, I wish I was 3 again.

In keeping up with his crazy energy, today was the day he decided he wanted to swim independently. With a life jacket, of course. He doggy-padded all around the little spa/pool for at least an hour. I figured he'd crash after swimming and that I'd get a little rest... Right? Wrong!
As adorable as he can be, he sure is a lot to handle!
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