Words Boys Say

It's interesting to watch a little boy growing up and know that he'll be a man someday. I often wonder what he'd be like as a teenage boy and what kind of a man he'll turn out to be. Whenever I let my mind stray far into the future, I quickly force myself back down to reality and tell myself to focus on the "now." After all, my son isn't going to stay a little boy forever.

My daughter and son are cut from the same cloth but they can be as different as night and day. Even though I was a first-time mother, raising my daughter was fairly easy. When I hear horror stories of babies never sleeping through the night until they turn 1, I feel blessed to have two very easy babies (but I'm making up for it now)! Becki started talking (9 months) and walking (13 months) at an acceptable time. Logan was the same. However, the difference was that Logan was hearing and he started talking verbally much earlier. Just like Becki, once he got started, he hasn't stopped.

He says the cutest things (oftentimes very silly) and I've been keeping track of what he's been saying. Like moms who embarrass their kids with silly photos from the past, I'll get to embarrass him with silly quotes.

One day we were at church and Logan brought along about 5 of his Hot Wheels. One of them went under a large shelf. A friend handed him a cane and told him to use it to bring his car back out. After he got his car out, he played with the cane for a while. My friend and I told him "be careful, don't hit anybody with it." His response: "Yeah, Becki will hit me in my eye. My eyes will break and they will fall out, and then I can't see." With an older sister as a semi-bully, it isn't surprising that he mentioned it but how he mentioned it was so cute.
Logan is a big mama's boy. Many times, I'm so proud to have a close relationship with my son. He can drive me crazy and he can make me furious, but I love him to death. It's apparent he loves me too. Sometimes I get annoyed and wish he'd be more independent but then I have to remind myself that he isn't going to be 3 years old forever. Whenever someone other than myself tries to help me, he tells them "You're not my mommy!" How cute. I feel like Super-Mom (but I'm far from it) whenever Logan prefers my help over others. It's like Mommy can do no wrong.

"I'm finished with school!"
School. Who likes school? Maybe the academics (and the teachers - because they get paid). At first, Logan was so excited to go to school. Whenever there was a holiday, Logan would be so disappointed and asked where his bus was. After three months, the school district determined that he was on-level with his skills so he didn't qualify for the early childhood program anymore. Logan was definitely upset at first but then he got over it. He discovered that he actually liked playing with his toys, found new shows on TV that he liked (Dora the Explorer, for instance), and spent his days bugging Grandma. He's turning 4 this summer and he qualifies for Pre-K so that means he'll be returning to school in the Fall. Was Logan excited to hear that? Nope.

Logan has mastered the "why" questions. Yep. How? He begins all his answers with "because," even when it doesn't make sense.

It isn't easy to reason with Logan. He doesn't think logically most times, but sometimes he'll surprise me. Once when I was trying to get him into bed (it is usually easy, but because he's 3 years old it's in his job description to frustrate me at times), he turned around and looked at me very sincerely. After a few moments, he said "Becki has to go to bed because she has to go to school. I don't go to school so I don't have to go to bed." How would you answer that WITHOUT saying "because I said so"?

Once, we passed a house that was under construction. He told me "Mommy, we can't live there. That house is broken." It's not at all surprising when my son suddenly jumps to a semi-different topic and says "Animals don't like houses. I want a tiger, a lion and a monkey!"
Logan has already started to be a backseat driver. Once while driving, he tells me "Mommy, you need to go faster." I explained that there were cars in front of me so I couldn't. He gave me a big grin, laughed and said "Oh!"

My boy is growing so fast - he won't be such a little boy anymore. I just hope that he continues to say cute things.


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