New Phone

I got a new phone about a month ago.  To this day, Logan still says...

"I want to play on your new phone" with a big emphasis on 'new'.

I guess he wants to be clear which phone he'd like to play with (even though it's the only phone I've got now).

The Cat's Stomach

Logan was petting Ashton earlier today.  Now that Nova's gone, Ashton is back in the house and he's getting along with all the humans just famously....

Anyway, Ashton was sitting on my lap and Logan decided to pet him.  As soon as Logan put his hands on the cat, Ashton started to purr and he purred lots.  Logan put his head down on the cat's back and then he looked up at me with a big happy face.

He said "I can hear the cat's stomach!"

Brownie Tantrum

The night I decided to bake some brownies was the night Logan decided to throw another one of his tantrums.  I was passing out the brownies to Jon and a friend when Logan asked for some too.  I told him no and that it was his bedtime.

He gave me a long look and then yelled "I want brrooooooooooowwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.........."

He actually forgot what he was saying for a second there.  When he finally remembered, he screamed "IE!" along with a "I want brownie!" while jumping up and down.

Kids are cute, but not when he wants a brownie!

Helping Mom Out

Last night, I was preparing dinner for my kids. Becki was upstairs and Logan was in the kitchen with me. When dinner was ready, I asked Logan if he wanted to help Mommy; he gave me the biggest grin I've seen and nodded his head excitedly. I asked him to please go upstairs and tell his sister that her dinner was ready. He smiled, said "OK!" and proceeded to the stairs. Instead of going upstairs, he screamed at the top of his lungs and said "Becki! Your dinner is ready!" After he was done screaming, he looked at me with another big smile on his face and said "Mommy, I helped!"

No doubt, even though more than 1/2 of us are Deaf, this is a pretty loud household.